
Many of us are bothered by the appearance of various benign facial and neck skin lesions. These may include any one of the following diagnoses—skin tags, moles (melanocytic naevi), age/wisdom spots (seborrhoeic keratoses), benign sweat gland tumours (syringoma) and sebaceous gland overgrowth (sebaceous hyperplasia).


Benign skin lesions vary in their appearance with regards to colour, size, location, texture, growth rate and number of lesions.


The cause depends on the diagnosis of the lesion.

If we consider benign moles, these evolve over a number of years in a predictable manner. To begin with, the cells reside superficially in the skin (dermo-epidermal junction). As the mole gradually matures over time, the cells clump together and migrate down into the second layer of the skin (dermis). As a result of this maturation process, the mole becomes raised (known now as an intradermal naevus).

Moles and Skin Lesions Treatment Options

The first and most important step is making the correct medical diagnosis. This can only be done with the appropriate medical training, tools and experience. Misdiagnosis can lead to inappropriate treatment or even more serious long-term consequences such as undiagnosed skin cancers. This is particularly important if considering laser treatment, as such modalities can change the appearance and make subsequent diagnosis more difficult.

Once we have made a diagnosis, we use a variety of methods to remove unwanted benign skin lesions, including:

1. Scarless mole removal

Radiofrequency (RF) ablative technology involves the use of high energy radio waves to remove the lesion, whilst simultaneously minimising any thermal damage to adjacent tissue to ensure minimal scarring.

3. Cryotherapy

Liquid nitrogen is applied to the area to lower the temperature in order to destroy the tissue being treated.

2. Surgical excision

This has been the gold standard of lesion removal for decades. Many lesions not suitable for other methods of removal, can be safely and effectively removed under local anesthetic with simple surgical excision.


As medical doctors we insist on adopting a medical approach when planning for any skin treatment. We rely on our rigorous process of consultation, examination, diagnosis, treatment and follow up, to ensure your safety.

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  • redness and rosacea

  • sun damage/pigmentation

  • melasma

  • visible vessels

  • moles and skin lesions

  • acne