
There are many courses available for doctors and nurses to learn some of the basic skills in aesthetic medicine. While many of courses are able to teach some of the specific skills needed in aesthetic medicine, it is difficult for many doctors to make the transition into full time aesthetic medicine with these elementary skills alone.

Even for doctors who have received comprehensive training, such as the fellowship programs offered by the cosmetic medicine colleges, it can still be a daunting prospect.

This is where we can help. We offer personalised one on one training for doctors to upskill them to stand out from the crowd. This is not a business course, as we firmly believe that by focusing purely on the patient journey, their experience and outcome, the business side will be successful.

Who will benefit from this training and mentoring?

The one on one personalised training that we offer is for registered medical practitioners only, who should already have basic or more advanced skills in aesthetic medicine, and some working knowledge of the industry.

Please contact us for further details.

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We would like to invite you to contact us via email or call us to discuss further.